About the collection

The Robledo-Palop Collection includes a diverse array of artworks from the 20th and 21st centuries, showcasing the personal choices and viewpoints of its founder. Comprising nearly one hundred artworks, the collection includes pieces by renowned artists such as Elena Asins, Antoni Tàpies, Equipo Crónica, Bryson Rand, Josep Renau, Julia Rooney, Zoe Walsh, Nelo Vinuesa, Selva Aparicio, and Tunji Adeniyi-Jones, among others.

Elena Asins. Canons, 1990 (Detail). Ink on paper, 20 x 29 in (50.8 x 73.6 cm). The Robledo-Palop Collection, New York. Long-term loan to the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Alicante, Spain. Image courtesy of the Robledo-Palop Collection, New York.

Institutional Loans